Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Trying" for a Baby: Part 1

I thought, seeing as how I started this at the beginning of my second trimester, maybe spending a few days going down memory lane might catch us up to how we got to be 15 or so weeks preggo.

Keith and I decided to start "trying" or at least "not preventing" pregnancy in September of 2009.  We had been married two years and it just felt right.  We were sitting at Maggiano's Little Italy stuffing our faces with delicious Italian food.  I know I had the baked ziti...but I have no idea what Keith had...I'm not that crazy.  We were at one of those big booths that it seems silly to seat two people at, but nevertheless, enjoying the space.  This little family walks in and we watch their angelic children walk to their table and sit down.  I know they were cute.  I start daydreaming of babies and children and my handsome husband fumbling to hold a little hand as they walk to a table in a restaurant.

So there I was sipping on a Mojito, when Keith says, "I wanted to talk to you about something." 

Right away my thoughts go to the worse and I figure he is going to say that he wants to push our Summer 2010 plans to start "trying" off another year.  I timidly reply, "Ok..."

Keith kinda looked down, and then at me, and then he said the most wonderful thing that I have heard him say since we have been together (well except that he loves me and the "I do" thing) "What do you think about moving our date up to start trying?"

I. WAS. SPEECHLESS.  The best part was that we were out that night celebrating our anniversary from a couple weeks before.  It was the best anniversary gift ever!

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