So for Spring Break this year, Keith and I opted to do what we truly love best...CAMPING! This may seem a little crazy seeing as I was seven months pregnant (April 23-28). However, if you know us, our camping get-up is not a two-man tent and sleeping bags on the ground. We have a 12-person tent, an aerobed, and more camping gear than a Jetta can really hold.
30 Weeks!! |
We left on Saturday for San Clemente. We had been looking forward to this time away for some time and the weather was suppose to be AMAZING. We were mostly just excited to have a trip, just the two of us. The last time we went away so long was our honeymoon, so this seemed quite fitting.
The whole trip was so relaxing. We spent most of the days at the beach. I napped and tanned and read in a bikini! It was a little scary feeling a little LARGE, but my Keith assured me that the only BIG part of me is my belly, which is clearly holding my baby. So I strutted around, a big preggo mama, in a bikini. (I wasn't the only one there either!)
Keith spent his days napping, reading, and swimming. He was a little surprised at how warm the water was, I think it was around 62 degrees. He really enjoyed it!
By Wednesday, while we wanted to go to the beach for our last day there, we were tired and burned. It was no easy trek down to the beach from our campsite, and by Tuesday, the bottoms of my feet were a little swollen. So we went for a drive down to Dana Point and had lunch. It was a great way to end our week. We also watched the sunset every evening. It was just a great time of reflection and to just be together.
While we were ready to go home Thursday morning, we are so glad that we went. It was a great time and our last trip before we take on parenthood! Very exciting! But it also reminded us how perfect we are for each other. We were able to spend 6 days and 5 nights with just US and no distractions! We made campfires, and played Trivial Pursuit, and just read our books enjoying the peacefulness and we weren't even sick of each other in the end (haha). This trip made me so excited for our growing family. It is going to be so much fun!
I love this guy!! |