Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Third Trimester!!

I was really sad when I got on here to do an update post and realized that it had been a month since my last post.  Where does the time go?  I got an email today saying "Welcome to your 31 week of pregnancy!"  I know that I am in my 31st week, but just seeing that, WOW, it made me think what a small number 9 is!  Evie's due date is 9 weeks away and she could come before that (EVERY PERSON READING THIS BETTER BE PRAYING SHE DOES NOT COME LATE!!!).  I feel like there is so much to do before she comes.

As I reflect on the second trimester, I am realizing just how good I had it.  People say that the second trimester is bliss...THEY AREN'T KIDDING!!  Almost overnight, I went from sleeping almost soundly to getting up every two hours to go potty and switching sides every hour or so because something feels uncomfortable.  My belly feels huge (and I still have 2 months!) but the muscles that support it ache at times.  And then there are my feet.  Not swollen, but as I sit here I am icing the bottoms.  (It just sounded like it might help and it feels pretty good.)  Anyway...enough complaining :)

Despite all the ways I feel uncomfortable, my day to day is still full of bliss.  It is so amazing when you get to the point that you can just nudge your little one and she responds with a little nudge back.  It is almost like sweet gesture between the two of us, rather than just a reflexive response from her.  I had a dream last week that I was able to take her out of me and hold her and dress her and kiss her.  We all passed her around and fell completely in love with her (more than we already have!) but then I had to put her away, back into my womb, because it wasn't fair that I had not gone through labor to have her.  By the time labor comes around, I know I will be ready for anything just to see this precious little girl.

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