Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Moment to Share...

Most days I don't mind being pregnant.  It's actually a lot of fun.  It's fun because I'm never alone :) and I always have something to talk about (whether or not people want to hear is another question all together...haha).  I don't really mind when people touch my belly, but what cracks me up (most of the time) is what people say when they touch it.  

When 5-6 year olds touch it, they usually say something like, "Wow Mrs. Butler, your tummy is getting BIG!" or "Is the baby sleeping?" or, my personal favorite, "You're getting really fatter!"

When people my age touch it, they usually say something like, "So cute!" or "Love it!"

When people older than me touch it, they usually affectionately rub it and ask, "How are you feeling?" or "You are really starting to show!" or "Do you feel her moving a lot?"  

But the best was last week when I wore a sweatshirt to work.  Now, in her defense, I usually wear clothes that show that I am pretty much all belly (see picture below) but it was a cold, miserable day and a big sweatshirt was sounding so cozy!  So I wore it.  This lady at work affectionately touched my belly and then very sweetly said, "When you wear that you don't really look all that pregnant, just mostly a little chunky."  I laughed.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you look "a little chunky," I think you look like the most beautiful woman in the world.
